The imapautofiler.actions Module

class imapautofiler.actions.Action(action_data, cfg)

Bases: object

Base class

NAME = None
invoke(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

class imapautofiler.actions.Delete(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Action

Delete the message immediately.

The action is indicated with the name delete.

NAME = 'delete'
invoke(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

class imapautofiler.actions.Flag(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Action

Flag the message.

The action is indicated with the name flag.

NAME = 'flag'
invoke(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

class imapautofiler.actions.MarkRead(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Action

Mark the message as read

The action is indicated with the name mark_read.

NAME = 'mark_read'
invoke(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

class imapautofiler.actions.MarkUnread(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Action

Mark the message as unread

The action is indicated with the name mark_unread.

NAME = 'mark_unread'
invoke(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

class imapautofiler.actions.Move(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Action

Move the message to a different folder.

The action is indicated with the name move.

The action data must contain a dest-mailbox entry with the name of the destination mailbox.

The dest-mailbox value can contain jinja2 template directives using the headers of the message. For example:

dest-mailbox: "archive.{{ date.year }}"

will extract the year value from the date header of the message and insert it into the destination mailbox path.

Header names are always all lower case and - is replaced by _.

NAME = 'move'
invoke(conn, src_mailbox, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, src_mailbox, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

class imapautofiler.actions.Sort(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Action

Move the message based on parsing a destination from a header.

The action is indicated with the name sort.

The action may contain a header entry to specify the name of the mail header to examine to find the destination. The default is to use the to header.

The action data may contain a dest-mailbox-regex entry for parsing the header value to obtain the destination mailbox name. If the regex has one match group, that substring will be used. If the regex has more than one match group, the dest-mailbox-regex-group option must specify which group to use (0-based numerical index). The default pattern is ([\w-+]+)@ to match the first part of an email address.

The action data must contain a dest-mailbox-base entry with the base name of the destination mailbox. The actual mailbox name will be constructed by appending the value extracted via dest-mailbox-regex to the dest-mailbox-base value. The dest-mailbox-base value should contain the mailbox separator character (usually .) if the desired mailbox is a sub-folder of the name given.

The dest-mailbox-base may include jinja2 template instructions, which are evaluated before the suffix is added to the base. Refer to the description of the move action for more details about template evaluation.

NAME = 'sort'
invoke(conn, src_mailbox, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, src_mailbox, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

class imapautofiler.actions.SortMailingList(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Sort

Move the message based on the mailing list id.

The action is indicated with the name sort-mailing-list.

This action is equivalent to the sort action with header set to list-id and dest-mailbox-regex set to <?([^.]+)\..*>?.

NAME = 'sort-mailing-list'
class imapautofiler.actions.Trash(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Move

Move the message to the trashcan.

The action is indicated with the name trash.

The action expects the global configuration setting trash-mailbox.

NAME = 'trash'
class imapautofiler.actions.Unflag(action_data, cfg)

Bases: imapautofiler.actions.Action

Remove the flag setting from the message.

The action is indicated with the name unflag.

NAME = 'unflag'
invoke(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Run the action on the message.

  • conn (imapautofiler.client.Client) – connection to mail server
  • mailbox_name (str) – name of the mailbox holding the message
  • message_id (str) – ID of the message to process
  • message (email.message.Message) – the message object to process
report(conn, mailbox_name, message_id, message)

Log a message explaining what action will be taken.

imapautofiler.actions.factory(action_data, cfg)

Create an Action instance.

  • action_data (dict) – portion of configuration describing the action
  • cfg (dict) – full configuration data

Using the action type, instantiate an action object that can process a message.